
宇都宮 由佳

ウツノミヤ ユカ  (Yuka Utsunomiya)


学習院女子大学 国際文化交流学部 日本文化学科 教授





  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, スィワナーソン パタニ
    大妻女子大学家政系研究紀要 42 19-30 2006年3月3日  
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, Srivanasont Patthanit
    大妻女子大学家政系研究紀要 (42) 19-30 2006年3月3日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, スィワナーソン パタニ
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 58 1-1 2006年  
    <B>背景・目的 </B>タイ伝統菓子「カノムタイ」は,現地の人々によって作られ,仏日や祭りの際に僧侶や寺へ寄進されている.また市場や商店でも日常的に販売され摂取されている.しかし,経済化,情報化が進行し,諸外国ならびに首都・中央部の文化の強い影響の下,食も含めた地方固有の伝統文化を維持・継承していくことは,当該地域に限らず発展途上国に共通した取組むべき課題となっている.本研究では,タイ王国の古都チェンマイにおいて,都市,農村,山村の児童生徒及び住民や家政学研究者等に対して,家庭でカノムタイを作る状況,伝統行事との関係などに関し,質問紙及び面接聞取り調査を実施し,タイ北部の人々にとっての伝統菓子の意義や役割について計量的に明らかにしていく.<BR><B>結果・考察 </B>カノムタイは,タイ北部で仏教,農業関連の伝統行事や結婚式,新築祝いの際に76%の家庭で作られていた.材料はモチ米,ウルチ米粉が主体で,タイ中央部に比べ,砂糖やココナッツミクルクは少量で,結婚式など特別な菓子はなく,味・形状,名称ともに簡素である.カノムタイには,1.腹持ちがよい,2.家族・親戚で一緒に作り,互いの絆を強める,3.寺や僧侶に寄進することで功徳を積むことができる,4.アイデンティティーを醸成する身近な対象物である,などの特徴が認められた.また近年,学校教育や地域社会における伝統復活,維持・継承の動きもあり,特に都市ではカノムタイ選好と「家で作ること」「仏日に寺へ行くこと」とに関連あり,伝統文化回帰の傾向がみられた.それらがカノムタイに対する根強い支持につながっていると推察された.
  • 宇都宮 由佳
    日本家政学会誌 57(5) 271-286 2006年  
    In a continuing study on the food eaten by the local people in northern Thailand, this report presents the results of a study into the characteristics and function of traditional confectionery from questionnaire, listening and literature surveys. The data were analyzed by the statistical method with SPSS software and also by some sociological methods. Khanom Thai, or Thai traditional confectionery, was originally made from rice and sugar in the court of the Thai dynasty as an offering to the Royal Family and monks. Influenced by the food culture of foreign countries, the confectionery was refined and disseminated from the central to local areas. Important characteristics of this confectionery in northern Thailand developed from making at home on special occasions of Buddhist and agricultural festivals, marriage ceremonies and housewarming parties. Glutinous rice is the main material, while sugar and coconut milk are not as frequently used as they are in Central Thailand. Compared with Khanom Thai from Central Thailand, the confectionery is simple in shape and taste. The people of northern Thailand can now obtain various types of Khanom Thai through development of the distribution channels. Home-made Khanom Thai strengthens the family bond and gives a deeper feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment, while offering Khanom Thai to the Buddha would greatly accentuate their virtue. Although those are the main features of the function of Khanom Thai, making and eating the confectionery will become a more significant trigger to recognition of the identity of Thai people in future.
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    Elytra 33(2) 487-489 2005年11月19日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, スィワナーソン パタニ
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 57 43-43 2005年5月27日  
    <目的・調査方法> 北タイの児童生徒のライフスタイルと食行動に関する継続研究の一環として,2002年6月に都市部チェンマイ,農村サムーン,山村ボーケーオの3地域で児童・生徒を対象に児童生徒の他の地域に対する認識やイメージについて質問紙調査,面接聞き取り調査,観察調査をした.統計分析にはクロス分析をした.<結果・考察> 都市チェンマイの児童生徒は,他の2地域に対して関心が薄く,農作物の産地,就学・出稼ぎ者の出身地としての認識しかない.農村サムーンの児童生徒は,都市部への憧れが強く,遊びや就学のために行きたいと考えている.しかし,実際に住むことには消極的で自分たちの地域のほうがよいと答えている.山村ボーケーオの児童生徒は,衣服や耐久消費財など消費に関しては,農村サムーンの町によく行くが,農作物を出荷するなどして収入を得るためには都市チェンマイにいっている. 新しい情報に対して,チェンマイでは関心高いが,ボーケーオは関心がほとんどない.情報源については,都市チェンマイや農村サムーンはテレビだが,山村ボーケーオではおもに口コミであることがわかった.
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, スイワナーソン パタニ
    日本教育情報学会教育情報研究 21巻27-38.(1) 27-38 2005年  
    タイでは従来, 経済面での地域格差は指摘されてきたが, 情報面のそれはこれまでほとんど把握されていない.筆者らは2004年8〜10月に, 地方での情報格差の実態を明らかにし, 格差解消にむけての現地行政機関の政策立案のための資料に供することを意図し, 北部タイの都市, 農村, 山村の3地区で調査をおこなった.まず, 政府や地方自治体が発表している諸統計の収集, 関係機関へ聞取り調査, 各地区の情報環境の観察調査等をおこなった.また, 3地区の小学校〜高等学校7校を対象に情報技術教育の実態調査をおこなった.さらに, 児童生徒を対象に情報接触の実態および情報活用能力に関するタイ語による記述式質問紙調査を実施した.これらの調査結果から, 3地区の情報環境の実態, 情報技術教育の格差, 児童生徒の情報行動や情報活用能力の現状を初めて明らかにした.そして, 格差解消のための課題も例示した.
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, スィワナーソン パタニ
    日本家政学会誌 55:771-784.(10) 771-784 2004年10月15日  
    Since 1992, the authors have been comprehensively researching the life of local people in an unelectrified village of northern Thailand. A research on structure and function of the family was conducted by a questionnaire survey in August 2002 with a hearing survey that followed up one year later in August 2003 as well as the demographic surveys conducted in January 1993 and June 2002. The data were mainly analyzed by cross analysis method using SPSS software. With the electrification of the village at the end of 1996, the villagers exposed to a large quantities of external information through TV have been trying to increase their earnings in various ways on the basis of the information obtained. Consequently, those who work or study away from homes are increasing. Although the family structure has not remarkably been changing, the outsourcing of the family function has been recognized. Furthermore, internationalization has been slowly progressing there. Such being the case, the structure and function of the family of this village are expected to change at an accelerated rate.
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 高橋 ユリア, スィワナーソン パタニ
    大妻女子大学家政系研究紀要 40 39-45 2004年3月3日  
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, スィワナーソン パタニ
    日本家政学会誌 55(10) 771-784 2004年  
    Since 1992, the authors have been comprehensively researching the life of local people in an unelectrified village of northern Thailand. A research on structure and function of the family was conducted by a questionnaire survey in August 2002 with a hearing survey that followed up one year later in August 2003 as well as the demographic surveys conducted in January 1993 and June 2002. The data were mainly analyzed by cross analysis method using SPSS software. With the electrification of the village at the end of 1996, the villagers exposed to a large quantities of external information through TV have been trying to increase their earnings in various ways on the basis of the information obtained. Consequently, those who work or study away from homes are increasing. Although the family structure has not remarkably been changing, the outsourcing of the family function has been recognized. Furthermore, internationalization has been slowly progressing there. Such being the case, the structure and function of the family of this village are expected to change at an accelerated rate.
  • Otsuma Women's Univ. Home Econom. 40: 39-45. 2004年  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan 54(12) 1031-1040 2003年12月15日  
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳
    Elytra 31(2) 379-383 2003年11月22日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, 大澤 清二
    日本家政学会誌 54(5) 365-376 2003年5月15日  
    Ongoing research concerning the lifestyle and food eating behavior of children/students has been conducted in northern Thailand since 1997. Three regions, urban Chiang Mai, rural Samoeng. and the mountain village of Bokao, linked together by a life route, have been chosen as survey areas in the present study. A Questionnaire survey, hearing, observation, etc. were used to collect data which were analyzed by such statistical methods as correspondence and cross analyses. The regional difference and school grade difference in formal daily meals within the respective regions were examined. Among the urban children/students, a high ratio of missing morning meals, eating midnight snacks, and snack-eating as a substitute for formal meals were observed. Furthermore, morning meals were made the lightest among the three formal meals. Eating alone by children, dining out, and eating bread were also recognized. In the rural area, the traditional manners and customs are still strong, not only in eating behaviors (e.g. eating glutinous rice) but also in other conscious actions. In the mountain village, the highest propotion of meals is eaten among those three areas, and home-cooked dishes are eaten as a family meal. However, the mealtime is the shortest, and it seems that their meals are very frugal. Children/students who miss morning meals often have a high level of irritability. Of those who eat night snacks, many also miss morning meals. Eating bread has recently become more widespread in Thai eating behavior and become very popular in the city. Children/students recognize it a kind of cake. Children/students who usually eat meals alone tend to eat bread, so eating bread might promote 'eating meals alone' in the future
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, スィワナーソン パタニ
    大妻女子大学家政系紀要 39巻121-130頁 113-122 2003年3月3日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    日本家政学会誌 54(12) 1031-1040 2003年  
    2002年6月, 北タイの3地域 (都市, 農村, 山村) において, 児童・生徒 (511 名) に対し, 身につけたい意識・価値観13項目について質問紙調査を実施し, 地域・学年比較をおこなった.あわせて親が児童・生徒に身につけてほしい意識・価値観について都市と地方 (98名) で実施し, 1979年の結果と比較をし, それぞれ分析をおこなった.地域差は, 低学年ほど大きく, 高学年になるに従いなくなった.おそらく低学年では, 地域の文化がそのまま反映されているが, 高学年になると世代で共通する考え (常識論理的な考え方, タイ市民としてより広い観点など) が反映しているものと考えられる.伝統的な価値観は, 山村地域, 低学年, 地方の親で認められた.先進的な価値観は, 都市, 高学年, および都会の親で認められた.農村地域, 中2は, これらの中間に位置した.また, 児童・生徒は, 個人主義的な意識・価値観が中心であるが, 親はかれらに集団社会で必要な意識・価値観を身につけてほしいと考えていることがわかった.親の1979年と2002年の比較では, 上位4項目の内容は同じであるが, 順位に変化があった.「礼儀正しさ」は重視する率が顕著に減少し, 「責任感」や「根気強さ」が大幅に増加し, 意識や価値観が少しずつ変化しつつある.
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, 大澤 清二
    家政誌 54(5) 365-376 2003年  
    Ongoing research concerning the lifestyle and food eating behavior of children/students has been conducted in northern Thailand since 1997. Three regions, urban Chiang Mai, rural Samoeng, and the mountain village of Bokao, linked together by a life route, have been chosen as survey areas in the present study. A questionnaire survey, hearing, observation, <I>etc</I>. were used to collect data which were analyzed by such statistical methods as correspondence and cross analyses. The regional difference and school grade difference in formal daily meals within the respective regions were examined. Among the urban children/students, a high ratio of missing morning meals, eating midnight snacks, and snack-eating as a substitute for formal meals were observed. Furthermore, morning meals were made the lightest among the three formal meals. Eating alone by children, dining out, and eating bread were also recognized. In the rural area, the traditional manners and customs are still strong, not only in eating behaviors (<I>e.g</I>. eating glutinous rice) but also in other conscious actions. In the mountain village, the highest proportion of meals is eaten among those three areas, and home-cooked dishes are eaten as a family meal. However, the mealtime is the shortest, and it seems that their meals are very frugal. Children/students who miss morning meals often have a high level of irritability. Of those who eat night snacks, many also miss morning meals. Eating bread has recently become more widespread in Thai eating behavior and become very popular in the city. Children/students recognize it a kind of cake. Children/students who usually eat meals alone tend to eat bread, so eating bread might promote 'eating meals alone' in the future.
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, Patthanit Slivanasont
    社会情報学研究 (7) 127-139 2003年  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, 大澤 清二
    日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan 53(6) 561-574 2002年6月15日  
    In our ongoing research project concerning lifestyles and snack-selection behavior, the questionnaire surveys of children/students has been conducted in northern Thailand since 1997. Three regions, the urban Chiang Mai, the rural Samoeng, and the mountain village of Bokaeo, linked together by a communal information route, were newly chosen as a survey area of the present study. Regional difference arid school grade difference (primary, secondary and high schools) within respective regions were also examined. In the urban area, `keeping late hours' was recognized in the higher grades. The rate of `missing a morning meal' was higher in Chiang Mai and Samoeng. Inclination to dietary consciousness towards being overweight widened in the lower grades in the urban area. Meanwhile, this inclination can be observed in the rural higher grades, but surprisingly none at all in the mountain village. Regional differences were remarkable in the money spent on snacks, the variety of snacks taken, and the frequency of snack ingestion. In the snack selection criterion and behavior conducted by the correspondence and cluster analysis, Bokaeo occupies the most remote position, while Samoeng is rather close to Chiang Mai, following trends of Chiang Mai. It is to be noted that the second grade of the high schools in Chiang Mai shows progressive features.
  • 宇都宮由佳, 益本仁雄
    日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集 54th 165 2002年6月1日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, 滝山 桂子
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 54 386-386 2002年6月1日  
    現在の高齢者及び次世代高齢者のライフスタイルに差があることをふまえ, 家電の使用状況や問題点について調査し, 真のニーズを検討する. 40歳以上を対象に質問紙を行った. ビデオは, 約半数が使いこなせず, 女性, 高齢ほど率が高いが, 女性で, 若い世代ほど使いこなしたいという意欲はある. 活用を支援するサービスについて約7割が知らずほとんど利用されていない. 高齢世代は, 表示が見えない, 多機能を使いこなせないなどの問題指摘が高い一方, 次世代は, 細かい設定ができないなど機能の指摘が多く世代差がある. 次世代では高齢世代に比べ使用している機能が多種類である. これからの高齢社会へ向けた家電は, 使用支援サービスの充実と, 「見やすく, 押しやすく」だけでなく「簡単操作で多様な機能」が求められる
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    一般社団法人日本家政学会研究発表要旨集 54 203-203 2002年  
    2001年に北タイの都市部, 農村部, 山村部で小5, 中2, 高2を対象に質問紙·聞取り調査を行い, 食生活とライフスタイルについて地域比較をし, 実態の把握と問題点を探ることが目的である. 朝食は, 都市部で欠食率が高い. 家で摂る児童·生徒がほとんどであるが, 高学年になるにつれ学校内が増加し, さらに都市部でその傾向が強い. 誰と朝食を摂るかについては, 地方では家族全員が半数を占め, 都市部では子供だけ, 一人でと回答する児童·生徒が多い. 主食は, 米類が主であるが都市部ではパン食がみられる. 就寝時刻は, 高学年で都市部ほど遅く, また夜食を摂取する率が高い. 夜食を摂取する生徒は, しない生徒に比べ就寝時刻の平均が約1時間遅く, 睡眠時間が短く, 先進国と同様な問題が示唆された.
  • 大石 美喜子, 滝山 桂子, 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    日本家庭科教育学会誌 45(3) 237-244 2002年  
    In 1997, a questionnaire survey concerning needs of living information study with 50 items was conducted on 503 senior high school students. Characteristics about needs of living information study for senior high school students were separated and compared by their attributes and learning experiences on two axes, such as "study needs of living information contents" and "those of data processing of daily life". By the principal components analysis, five principal components were separated as the needs of living information study. Of those, three were concerned with contents about study needs of living information, and two were concerned with those of data processing of daily life. It became clear that the boy students and students belonging to the department of living science have been affected affirmatively on standard for needs of living information study. On the basis of the above results, the authors suggested new points of study contents, in order to introduce living information study to homemaking class for senior high school.
  • 滝山 桂子, 大石 美喜子, 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    日本家庭科教育学会誌 45(3) 245-254 2002年  
    Aims of this paper is to investigate consciousness of senior high school students concerning an information society, and to make clear the influence of the consciousness towards the needs of living information study. In 1997, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 503 senior high school students. 23 items on their views of information life and 31 items on those of information ability were investigated. The data were examined by principal component analysis and multiple regression analysis. It became clear that the view of information life was deeply related to that of information ability, and the latter was more related to the needs of living information study than the former. In order to compose the contents of the living information study at a homemaking class for senior high school students, it was suggested that contents concerning the view of information life and those of information ability were required.
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄, 大澤 清二
    家政誌 53(6) 561-574 2002年  
    In our ongoing research project concerning lifestyles and snack-selection behavior, the questionnaire surveys of children/students has been conducted in northern Thailand since 1997. Three regions, the urban Chiang Mai, the rural Samoeng, and the mountain village of Bokaeo, linked together by a communal information route, were newly chosen as a survey area of the present study. Regional difference and school grade difference (primary, secondary and high schools) within respective regions were also examined. In the urban area, 'keeping late hours' was recognized in the higher grades. The rate of 'missing a morning meal' was higher in Chiang Mai and Samoeng. Inclination to dietary consciousness towards being overweight widened in the lower grades in the urban area. Meanwhile, this inclination can be observed in the rural higher grades, but surprisingly none at all in the mountain village. Regional differences were remarkable in the money spent on snacks, the variety of snacks taken, and the frequency of snack ingestion. In the snack selection criterion and behavior conducted by the correspondence and cluster analysis, Bokaeo occupies the most remote position, while Samoeng is rather close to Chiang Mai, following trends of Chiang Mai. It is to be noted that the second grade of the high schools in Chiang Mai shows progressive features.
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳, スィワナーソン パタニ
    情報文化学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Information-culture Society 8(1) 45-60 2001年12月10日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    Elytra 29(2) 419-421 2001年11月15日  
  • 宇都宮由佳, 滝山桂子, 益本仁雄
    日本家政学会誌 52(11) 1047-1059 2001年11月15日  
    As the first step in researching desirable images of household electric appliances in an aged society, this article deals with generation differences that exist. The data on the present senior citizens (65 years and above) were compared with those of the following generation (50-64 and less than 50 years of age). In 1998-2000 requirements as well as complaints of the three generations regarding their household electric appliances were investigated by means of questionnaire, interview and other methods. Their answers and opinions concerning function, operation, and construction as well as the labelled instructions and marks of various appliances are evaluated differently by the three generations. The difference was evident between the most senior category and the youngest category. The older generation takes a passive attitude toward a modern life dependent on electric appliances, while the younger generations show positive acceptance of the modern life; they are not hesitant to use multi-function appliances and foreign language seems part of their life. Those in the younger category are expected to continue to use the modern appliances, but they will get old. Considerations, therefore, should be given in designing new appliances, adequate height of products, easy-to-see switches and marks for aging physical conditions. It should be pointed out that the problems common to the three categories need to be solved as soon as possible. It is expected that multi-functional appliances will be further improved and easier to use by all generations in the future.
  • 益本仁雄, 宇都宮由佳
    情報文化学会全国大会講演予稿集 9th 52-55 2001年7月20日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    Elytra 29(1) 125-127 2001年6月15日  
  • 宇都宮由佳, 滝山桂子, 益本仁雄
    日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集 53rd 268 2001年5月11日  
  • 宇都宮由佳, 益本仁雄
    日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集 53rd 116 2001年5月11日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 滝山 桂子, 益本 仁雄
    家政誌 52(11) 1047-1059 2001年  
    As the first step in researching desirable images of household electric appliances in an aged society, this article deals with generation differences that exist. The data on the present senior citizens (65 years and above) were compared with those of the following generation (50-64 and less than 50 years of age). In 1998-2000 requirements as well as complaints of the three generations regarding their household electric appliances were investigated by means of questionnaire, interview and other methods. Their answers and opinions concerning function, operation, and construction as well as the labelled instructions and marks of various appliances are evaluated differently by the three generations. The difference was evident between the most senior category and the youngest category. The older generation takes a passive attitude toward a modern life dependent on electric appliances, while the younger generations show positive acceptance of the modern life; they are not hesitant to use multi-function appliances and foreign language seems part of their life.<BR>Those in the younger category are expected to continue to use the modern appliances, but they will get old. Considerations, therefore, should be given in designing new appliances, adequate height of products, easy-to-see switches and marks for aging physical conditions. It should be pointed out that the problems common to the three categories need to be solved as soon as possible. It is expected that multi-functional appliances will be further improved and easier to use by all generations in the future.
  • 情報文化学会誌 8, 45-60 2001年  
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳
    情報文化学会誌 7, 87-98(1) 87-98 2000年11月18日  
    筆者らは, 北タイで情報化と経済化の進展の影響による住民の意識, 行動, 生活価値観の変化や共同体の変容について, 1992年から継続研究に取り組んできた。対象の村では, 1996年末の電化を契機にテレビを通して外部の情報が大量に流入し, 村人の情報交換が飛躍的に活発になった。急速な情報化は, 村人の意識, 行動, 生活価値観も変えつつあることを1998-99年に本紙で発表した。今回の論文は, 最近のタイ社会および当該村周辺の生活環境の変化を踏まえ, 意識, 行動, 生活価値観を13項目に整理・追加し, 村人が現在どのように意識し, 電化前後でどのように変わったかについて調査し, さらにタイ社会の「価値観」に関する先行研究である河部論文(1997)の項目についても検討をおこない, 結果を情報文化論の視点から論ずる。電化後の現在, 高収入欲求, 高学歴志向, 労働観, 勤勉性などが村人の意識が高まった。一方, 意識があまり変化しない項目として, 愛想良く暮らすこと, 保守的な意識, 冷静な心, 仏教や精霊信仰等があげられる。生活向上のための高収入欲求の昂進を軸としてその実現手段に有効な項目, 関連性の密接な項目ほど変化が急激で, この軸から距離を置くほど変化が緩慢である。新しい生活情報の流入は, 高収入欲求の昂進させ, 手段的・直接的関係の強い意識・行動・生活価値観が大幅な変化をきたし, 変化した村人の新たな行動を媒介として村文化が変容する, という図式を描くことができる。なお, 河部論文の一部の項目は, 本調査の結果では妥当性が低いと考えられる。
  • Hanboonsong Yupa, Rattanapan Arjin, 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    Elytra 28(2) 355-364 2000年11月15日  
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    日本家政学会誌 = Journal of home economics of Japan 51(10) 913-932 2000年10月15日  
    A study on the snack-eating habits of children and students has been in progress since 1997 in the Chiang Mai urban area, Fang country town, and Samoeng rural area of North Thailand. As part of this study, the effects of information and economic development on the selection of four major snacks were surveyed by a mass questionnaire and interview in 1998. "Fast-foods" and "chocolate" were strongly influenced by the available local information. "Thai snacks" and "instant noodles, " and also "fast-foods" and "chocolate" were affected by the degree of local economic development: the former two items were easy to obtain anywhere, while the latter two were hard to get in local areas. The reasons quoted why chocolate and instant noodles are not eaten in Chiang Mai were "anxious about putting on weight" and "bad for health." These answers indicate the relatively new trend that has been observed in advanced countries. On the other hand, in Fang and Samoeng, a yearning for new snacks, e.g.fast-foods and chocolate, was recognized. However, it was difficult for the children and students in these two areas to obtain them, and the consciousness for maintaining traditions is still alive.
  • 滝山 桂子, 大石 美喜子, 小松 正武, 池崎 喜美恵, 宇都宮 由佳
    日本家政学会誌 51, 627-638(7) 627-638 2000年7月15日  
    The purpose of this study is to examine actuality and its factors about "the needs to obtain information" (abbreviated henceforth as "needs"). Based on a pilot study, twenty three items were selected as living information which are required to support the daily activities of university students such as "education / study" and "job offers". The authors analyzed the factors forming the needs from two standpoints. One is attributed to the university students who are concerned with molding their identities and the other is the social conditions of regional life. In 1998, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 618 university students, 316 in urban Tokyo, and 302 in rural Akita. Regional differences were analyzed, and it was found that "education / study" was required by students in Tokyo while "job offers" was sought by students in Akita. As to the other items, little difference was found between the two areas, which may be explained by the well-developed transportation and communication networks. The total samples were divided into several pairs of categories, which are components of attributes such as male and female. The analysis of the samples in each category brought about a lot more regional differences; "education / study", "medical treatment" and "meals and cooking" were more important in Tokyo while "disasters", "job offers" and "speciality stores" were considered more important in Akita. This questionnaire survey shows that both the attribute of university students and the social conditions of regional life influenced the students in forming their needs.
  • 宇都宮由佳, 益本仁雄
    日本家政学会大会研究発表要旨集 52nd 116 2000年6月2日  
  • 益本 仁雄, 宇都宮 由佳
    情報文化学会誌 7(1) 87-98 2000年  
    筆者らは, 北タイで情報化と経済化の進展の影響による住民の意識, 行動, 生活価値観の変化や共同体の変容について, 1992年から継続研究に取り組んできた。対象の村では, 1996年末の電化を契機にテレビを通して外部の情報が大量に流入し, 村人の情報交換が飛躍的に活発になった。急速な情報化は, 村人の意識, 行動, 生活価値観も変えつつあることを1998-99年に本紙で発表した。今回の論文は, 最近のタイ社会および当該村周辺の生活環境の変化を踏まえ, 意識, 行動, 生活価値観を13項目に整理・追加し, 村人が現在どのように意識し, 電化前後でどのように変わったかについて調査し, さらにタイ社会の「価値観」に関する先行研究である河部論文(1997)の項目についても検討をおこない, 結果を情報文化論の視点から論ずる。電化後の現在, 高収入欲求, 高学歴志向, 労働観, 勤勉性などが村人の意識が高まった。一方, 意識があまり変化しない項目として, 愛想良く暮らすこと, 保守的な意識, 冷静な心, 仏教や精霊信仰等があげられる。生活向上のための高収入欲求の昂進を軸としてその実現手段に有効な項目, 関連性の密接な項目ほど変化が急激で, この軸から距離を置くほど変化が緩慢である。新しい生活情報の流入は, 高収入欲求の昂進させ, 手段的・直接的関係の強い意識・行動・生活価値観が大幅な変化をきたし, 変化した村人の新たな行動を媒介として村文化が変容する, という図式を描くことができる。なお, 河部論文の一部の項目は, 本調査の結果では妥当性が低いと考えられる。
  • 宇都宮 由佳, 益本 仁雄
    家政誌 51(10) 913-932 2000年  
    A study on the snack-eating habits of children and students has been in progress since 1997 in the Chiang Mai urban area, Fang country town, and Samoeng rural area of North Thailand. As part of this study, the effects of information and economic development on the selection of four major snacks were surveyed by a mass questionnaire and interview in 1998.<BR>“Fast-foods” and “chocolate” were strongly influenced by the available local information. “Thai snacks” and “instant noodles, ” and also “fast-foods” and “chocolate” were affected by the degree of local economic development : the former two items were easy to obtain anywhere, while the latter two were hard to get in local areas.<BR>The reasons quoted why chocolate and instant noodles are not eaten in Chiang Mai were “anxious about putting on weight” and “bad for health.” These answers indicate the relatively new trend that has been observed in advanced countries. On the other hand, in Fang and Samoeng, a yearning for new snacks, e.g. fast-foods and chocolate, was recognized. However, it was difficult for the children and students in these two areas to obtain them, and the consciousness for maintaining traditions is still alive.
  • 滝山 桂子, 大石 美喜子, 小松 正武, 池崎 喜美恵, 宇都宮 由佳
    家政誌 51(7) 627-638 2000年  
    大学生の「ニーズ」とその要因を, 生活情報の種類と選択率を取り上げて, 東京圏と一地方都市の調査に基づいて検討した.内的要因として主体形成にかかわる属性, 外的要因として地域の有する生活の社会的条件という二つの視点から考察した結果, 次のような実態が明らかになった.<BR>(1) 両地域を合わせてみた場合, 選択率50%以上の生活情報の種類は, 生活の質を維持する「R : 地域・環境」, および生活の質の向上を目的とする「L : 余暇・文化」と「C : 消費・家庭」にわたっていた.<BR>(2) 地域比較より, 概して東京圏の大学生は, 「教育・学習」に関する情報を, 一地方都市の大学生は, 「求人」の情報を求めていることが明らかになった.他の項目では, あまり地域差が認められなかった.<BR>(3) 性別では, 女性では, 「C : 消費・家庭」の選択率が顕著であり, 男性では, 特に「スポーツ」の選択率が高かった.<BR>(4) 属性として, 専攻, 学年, 居住形態におけるカテゴリー別のサンプルに基づいた分析を実施した.全体のサンプルに基づいた分析に比べて, より多くの項目で生活情報の選択率における地域差を確認できた、これらは, PLIの活動領域である, 学ぶ, 働く, 遊ぶ, 費やす, 住む, 癒すなどの生活の社会的条件との関連があることを把握した.<BR>今回の調査の結果から, 「ニーズ」を形成する要因として, 大学生の属性と地域の有する生活の社会的条件が関連していることが明らかになった.<BR>今後は, 「ニーズ」の多様化の構造を明らかにする目的で, 生活情報の種類の組み合わせについて, 主成分分析を用い, 性別比較を中心に検討する予定である。
  • Elytra, Tokyo 28 355-364 2000年  
  • Elytra, Tokyo 28 355-364 2000年  





