
熊谷 英憲

クマガイ ヒデノリ  (Hidenori Kumagai)


学習院女子大学 国際文化交流学部 国際コミュニケーション学科 教授
国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構 海底資源センター 招へい上席研究員


独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 研究員/技術研究主任/技術研究副主幹/グループリーダー


  • Mirai Takebe, Keiko Sato, Hidenori Kumagai, Naoyoshi Iwata, Masao Ban
    Minerals 2024年9月28日  
    <jats:p>The peak height comparison K-Ar dating method was applied to very young (younger than ca. 35 ka) vesiculated bombs from three pyroclastic units (Komakusadaira Pyroclastics, Kattadake Pyroclastics, and Umanose Agglutinate) from Zao Volcano in northeast Japan. Because the 38Ar/36Ar ratios differed from 0.187, the mass fractionation was corrected for all measurement data. The obtained K-Ar ages are 30.0 ± 32.2 ka (no. 1-1, weakly vesiculated), 37.4 ± 64.8 ka, and 33.0 ± 58.0 ka (nos. 2-1, 2-2, weakly vesiculated) for the samples from Komakusadaira Pyroclastics; 12.6 ± 46.7 ka (no. 3-1, highly vesiculated) for a sample from Kattadake Pyroclastics; and 5.3 ± 44.9 ka, 5.7 ± 14.3 ka (no. 4-1, 4-2, weakly vesiculated), and 17.3 ± 79.3 ka (no. 5-1, moderately vesiculated) for the samples from Umanose Agglutinate on a 1σ error basis. For all cases, the obtained ages’ errors exceed 100%, with none involved within the error range. Therefore, the following age value upper limits are considered statistically significant: no. 1-1 is ≤94.4 ka, 2-1 is ≤167.0 ka, 2-2 is ≤149.0 ka, 3-1 is ≤106.0 ka, 4-1 is ≤95.1 ka, 4-2 is ≤34.3 ka, and 5-1 is ≤175.9 ka, considering 2σ errors. The obtained ages are generally consistent with those previously estimated using 14C dating.</jats:p>
  • Yuichiro Cho, Yayoi N. Miura, Hikaru Hyuga, Kenta Shimokoshi, Kazuo Yoshioka, Hiroyuki Kurokawa, Hidenori Kumagai, Naoyoshi Iwata, Satoshi Kasahara, Haruhisa Tabata, Mari Aida, Yoshifumi Saito, Seiji Sugita
    The Planetary Science Journal 5(8) 187-187 2024年8月1日  
    Abstract The Martian atmospheric Ne may reflect recent gas supply from its mantle via volcanic degassing, due to its short (∼100 Myr) escape timescale. The isotopic ratio of the Martian atmospheric Ne would therefore provide insights into that of the Martian mantle, further suggesting the origin of Mars volatiles during planetary formation. Mass spectrometric analysis of the Martian atmospheric Ne, however, has faced challenges from interference between 20Ne+ and 40Ar++. Previous studies using a polyimide membrane for 20Ne/40Ar separation were limited by the drawbacks of elastomeric O-rings to support the membrane, such as low-temperature intolerance, outgassing, and the need to endure environmental conditions during the launch and before/after landing on Mars. This study proposes a new method employing a metal C-ring to secure a 100 μm polyimide sheet within vacuum flanges. Environmental tests, including vibration, shock, extreme temperatures, and radiation exposure, were conducted on the gas separation flanges. Pre- and post-test analyses for He, Ne, and Ar demonstrated the membrane-flange system’s resilience. Gas permeation measurements using terrestrial air effectively permeated 4He and 20Ne, while reducing 40Ar by more than six orders of magnitude. This study achieved a &lt;3% accuracy in determining the 20Ne/22Ne ratio, sufficient for assessing the origins of Ne in the Martian mantle. Furthermore, experiments with a 590 Pa gas mixture simulating the Martian atmosphere achieved a 10% accuracy for the 20Ne/22Ne isotope ratio, with gas abundances consistent with numerical predictions based on individual partial pressures. These results validate the suitability of the developed polyimide membrane assembly for in situ Martian Ne analyses.
  • 熊谷英憲, 萬年一剛
    学習院女子大学紀要 26 135-139 2024年3月  筆頭著者責任著者
  • 木村 凜太朗, 萬年 一剛, 熊谷 英憲, 松井 洋平, 伊規須 素子, 高野 淑識
    分析化学 72,(7.8) 249-256. (https://doi.org/10.2116/bunsekikagaku.72.249) 2023年7月  査読有り
  • 大田 優介, 笠谷 貴史, 川田 佳史, 椎木 修平, 熊谷 英憲, 岩本 久則, 町山 栄章, 飯島 耕一, 金子 純二
    物理探査 76 14-21 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 佐藤佳子, 熊谷英憲
    桜の聖母短期大学紀要 (47) 1-8 2023年3月  
  • 熊谷英憲, 萬年一剛
    月刊地球 44 325-328 2022年6月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • 野崎達生, 佐藤佳子, 熊谷英憲, 島田和彦, 石橋純一郎, 加藤泰浩
    資源地質 72(1) 13-20 2022年5月  査読有り
  • 熊谷 英憲, 佐藤 佳子, 清水 家齊
    専修自然科学紀要 53 29-31 2022年3月5日  
  • Junji Kaneko, Shiki Machida, Naoto Hirano, Takafumi Kasaya, Hidenori Kumagai
    OCEANS 2022 2022年  
    As the alternate survey protocol for AUV-ROV sequential focused geological survey in great water depth, HOV mounted MBES survey followed by the geological observation and sampling was conducted. HOV mounted MBES provided a sub-meter scale high resolution bathymetric map, which efficiently supported the geological observation and resolve down to one meter scale morphological features successfully. Further, a pre-gridded point clouds imagery contains detailed morphological information.
  • Tatsuo Nozaki, Toshiro Nagase, Yutaro Takaya, Toru Yamasaki, Tsubasa Otake, Kotaro Yonezu, Kei Ikehata, Shuhei Totsuka, Kazuya Kitada, Yoshinori Sanada, Yasuhiro Yamada, Jun-ichiro Ishibashi, Hidenori Kumagai, Lena Maeda
    Scientific Reports 11(1) 2021年12月  査読有り
    <title>Abstract</title>Seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) deposits, modern analogues of volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits on land, represent future resources of base and precious metals. Studies of VMS deposits have proposed two emplacement mechanisms for SMS deposits: exhalative deposition on the seafloor and mineral and void space replacement beneath the seafloor. The details of the latter mechanism are poorly characterised in detail, despite its potentially significant role in global metal cycling throughout Earth’s history, because in-situ studies require costly drilling campaigns to sample SMS deposits. Here, we interpret petrographic, geochemical and geophysical data from drill holes in a modern SMS deposit and demonstrate that it formed via subseafloor replacement of pumice. Samples from the sulphide body and overlying sediment at the Hakurei Site, Izena Hole, middle Okinawa Trough indicate that sulphides initially formed as aggregates of framboidal pyrite and matured into colloform and euhedral pyrite, which were replaced by chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena. The initial framboidal pyrite is closely associated with altered material derived from pumice, and alternating layers of pumiceous and hemipelagic sediments functioned as a factory of sulphide mineralisation. We infer that anhydrite-rich layers within the hemipelagic sediment forced hydrothermal fluids to flow laterally, controlling precipitation of a sulphide body extending hundreds of meters.
  • Hiroshi Sato, Shiki Machida, Ryoko Senda, Keiko Sato, Hidenori Kumagai, Hironobu Hyodo, Shigekazu Yoneda, Yasuhiro Kato
    POLAR SCIENCE 29 2021年9月  査読有り
    We recovered sedimentary and plutonic rocks from the off-ridge portion of the Southwest Indian Ridge (37 degrees 00.02' E, 44 degrees 49.73' 5, 2165 m deep). The petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of these plutonic rocks were analyzed. Ar-Ar dating of biotite in the plutonic rocks yielded early Paleozoic ages of approximately 475 and 490 Ma, indicating that these rocks are likely related to Antarctic orogenies during the late Neo-proterozoic to early Paleozoic. In addition, the samples exhibited trace element compositions and low initial epsilon Nd values (-8 and -12) similar to those of rocks from western Dronning Maud Land and the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica. Such similarities suggest that these plutonic rocks from the off-ridge portion of the Southwest Indian ridge were derived from western Dronning Maud Land or the Transantarctic Mountains and deposited by melting icebergs as dropstones.
  • Tatsuo Nozaki, Toshiro Nagase, Junji Torimoto, Yutaro Takaya, Jun-ichiro Ishibashi, Kazuhiko Shimada, Masayuki Watanabe, Yuka Masaki, Koichi Iijima, Kazuya Kitada, Masafumi Saitoh, Takahiro Yokoyama, Keita Akiyama, Noriaki Sakurai, Tomokazu Saruhashi, Masanori Kyo, Hidenori Kumagai, Lena Maeda
    Mineralium Deposita 56(5) 975-990 2021年6月  
  • 北田 数也, 真田 佳典, 山田 泰広, 野崎 達生, 熊谷 英憲, 丸田 将弘, 佐藤 寛
    物理探査 73 33-41 2020年  
    地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」による掘削航海(CK16-05航海)において,陸上地熱探査用メモリー式検層ツールを用いた掘削ビット通過検層方式の自然ガンマ線検層を新たに適用することにより,掘削調査における物理検層のさらなる低コスト化・高効率化を試みた。本目的を達成するため,事前に実施したCK16-01航海での経験に基づき検層ツールの強度および船上作業方法を再検討し,検層ツールへの振動・衝撃対策を行った。その結果,中部沖縄トラフ伊是名海穴の5サイトにおいて,孔内の自然ガンマ線強度,温度,圧力の良好な連続データを取得することに成功し,掘削同時検層(LWD: Logging While Drilling)に比べて大幅に(1桁程度)低コストで簡便な海底熱水鉱床探査を実現した。熱水鉱床域の3サイトでは,軽石層,半遠洋性堆積物層,硫化物層,珪化岩やカリウムに富んだ変質粘土層などの岩相変化に伴って,ガンマ線強度が変化を示した。一方,岩相(軽石層)にほとんど変化が見られず鉱化作用が及んでいない2サイトでは,ガンマ線強度と密度および間隙率には良好な相関関係があることが明らかとなった。以上から,コア試料の高回収率を達成することが困難な海底熱水活動域の掘削調査においても,本方式のガンマ線検層が海底下の鉱体位置・厚さの特定や地層ユニットの分類に効果的であることがわかった。今後,新たな計測項目(例えば,比抵抗など)の追加を実現できれば,掘削ビット通過検層方式を用いた物理検層のさらなる活用が期待される。
  • K. Ishizu, T. Goto, Y. Ohta, T. Kasaya, H. Iwamoto, C. Vachiratienchai, W. Siripunvaraporn, T. Tsuji, H. Kumagai, K. Koike
    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 46(20) 11025-11034 2019年10月  
    Although seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits are crucially important metal resources that contain high-grade metals such as copper, lead, and zinc, their internal structures and generation mechanisms remain unclear. This study obtained detailed near-seafloor images of electrical resistivity in a hydrothermal field off Okinawa, southwestern Japan, using deep-towed marine electrical resistivity tomography. The image clarified a semi-layered resistivity structure, interpreted as SMS deposits exposed on the seafloor, and another deep-seated SMS layer at about 40-m depth below the seafloor. The images reinforce our inference of a new mechanism of SMS evolution: Upwelling hydrothermal fluid is trapped under less-permeable cap rock. The deeper embedded SMS accumulates there. Then hydrothermal fluids expelled on the seafloor form exposed SMS deposits.
  • Fuchida Shigeshi, Ishibashi Jun-ichiro, Shimada Kazuhiko, Nozaki Tatsuo, Kumagai Hidenori, Kawachi Masanobu, Matsushita Yoshitaka, Koshikawa Hiroshi
    GEOCHEMICAL TRANSACTIONS 19(1) 2018年12月6日  査読有り
  • 佐藤 佳子, 櫛田拳, 齋籐詩乃, 管家拓巳, 江本久雄, 熊谷英憲
    福島工業高等専門学校紀要 37-44 2018年12月  査読有り
  • Yamagishi Takahiro, Fuchida Shigeshi, Katsumata Masakazu, Horie Yoshifumi, Mori Fumi, Kitayama Akiko, Kawachi Masanobu, Koshikawa Hiroshi, Nozaki Tatsuo, Kumagai Hidenori, Ishibashi Jun-ichiro, Tatarazako Norihisa
    ECOTOXICOLOGY 27(10) 1303-1309 2018年12月  査読有り
  • 蜷川清隆, 豊田新, 中川益生, 藤原泰誠, 山本勲, 熊谷英憲, 木下正高, 久保信, 芦寿一郎
    ESR応用計測 35 4-11 2018年11月  査読有り
  • 熊谷 英憲, 北田 数也, 高橋 亜夕
    JAMSTEC Rep. R&D 27 68-76 2018年9月  査読有り
  • Ijiri Akira, Inagaki Fumio, Kubo Yusuke, Adhikari Rishi R, Hattori Shohei, Hoshino Tatsuhiko, Imachi Hiroyuki, Kawagucci Shinsuke, Morono Yuki, Ohtomo Yoko, Ono Shuhei, Sakai Sanae, Takai Ken, Toki Tomohiro, Wang David T, Yoshinaga Marcos Y, Arnold Gail L, Ashi Juichiro, Case David H, Feseker Tomas, Hinrichs Kai-Uwe, Ikegawa Yojiro, Ikehara Minoru, Kallmeyer Jens, Kumagai Hidenori, Lever Mark A, Morita Sumito, Nakamura Ko-ichi, Nakamura Yuki, Nishizawa Manabu, Orphan Victoria J, Roy Hans, Schmidt Frauke, Tani Atsushi, Tanikawa Wataru, Terada Takeshi, Tomaru Hitoshi, Tsuji Takeshi, Tsunogai Urumu, Yamaguchi Yasuhiko T, Yoshida Naohiro
    SCIENCE ADVANCES 4(6) eaao4631 2018年6月  査読有り
  • Kumagai H, Nozaki T, Ishibashi J.-I, Saito S, Komori S, Hamada Y, Sanada Y, Saruhashi T, Maeda L, Kubo Y, Takai K
    Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference 2018-June 63-68 2018年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Miyazaki Junichi, Kawagucci Shinsuke, Makabe Akiko, Takahashi Ayu, Kitada Kazuya, Torimoto Junji, Matsui Yohei, Tasumi Eiji, Shibuya Takazo, Nakamura Kentaro, Horai Shunsuke, Sato Shun, Ishibashi Jun-ichiro, Kanzaki Hayato, Nakagawa Satoshi, Hirai Miho, Takaki Yoshihiro, Okino Kyoko, KayamaWatanabe Hiromi, Kumagai Hidenori, Chen Chong
    ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 4(12) 2017年11月  査読有り
  • Komori Shogo, Masaki Yuka, Tanikawa Wataru, Torimoto Junji, Ohta Yusuke, Makio Masato, Maeda Lena, Ishibashi Jun-ichiro, Nozaki Tatsuo, Tadai Osamu, Kumagai Hidenori
    EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 69(1) 2017年8月16日  査読有り
  • Yamamoto Masahiro, Nakamura Ryuhei, Kasaya Takafumi, Kumagai Hidenori, Suzuki Katsuhiko, Takai Ken
    ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 56(21) 5725-5728 2017年5月15日  査読有り
  • Broadley Michael W, Burgess Ray, Kumagai Hidenori, Curran Natalie M, Ballentine Chris J
    GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS 18(7) 2413-2428 2017年5月  査読有り
  • Yoshinori Sanada, Yasuhiro Yamada, Kazuya Kitada, Tatsuo Nozaki, Hidenori Kumagai, Jun-Ichiro Ishibashi, Lena Maeda
    23rd Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan 2017 2017年  
    Natural gamma ray logging was carried out at the five wells in Izena Hole off-shore Okinawa by D/V Chikyu on November to December in 2016. This is one of the research cruise under an umbrella of Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), "Next-generation technology for ocean resources exploration (Zipangu in the Ocean program)". The purpose of this survey is to understand geological profile and distribution of the subsurface hydrothermal deposit. It is difficult to take good quality and recovery cores in hydrothermal brittle formation. On the other hand, the continuous natural gamma ray logging data allows us to describe continuous vertical formation profile. The memory-type logging tool was stuck out just below the drill bit at the bottom of borehole after cutting cores. The tool measures logging data during pulling out of the hole. Natural gamma ray, temperature and pressure were measured in the boreholes. The gamma ray data by logging tool has good correlation with that in the core data by laboratory measurement until ~30-80m below sea floor at the good core recovery intervals. The logging data are only continuous profile below the depth till maximum 180m below sea floor. The gamma ray data indicate classification of sediment layer, ore body, and alternate layer in this region. The temperature logging indicates potential of hydrothermal deposit activity. The pressure data shows static water column.
  • 熊谷 英憲
    日本海水学会誌 70(2) 75-79 2016年4月  
  • Sato Keiko, Kawabata Hiroshi, Scholl David W, Hyodo Hironobu, Takahashi Kozo, Suzuki Katsuhiko, Kumagai Hidenori
  • Yoshinori Sanada, Saneatsu Saito, Yohei Hamada, Yukari Kido, Hidenori Kumagai, Tetsuo Nozaki, Junichiro Ishibashi, Lena Maeda
    22nd Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan 2016 2016年1月1日  
    © 2016 JFES. All rights reserved. The CK16-01/Expedition 908 was conducted at the active hydrothermal field in the Iheya-North Knoll and Noho in Okinawa trough Japan by D/V Chikyu in Feb-Mar 2016. This expedition drilled hydrothermal fields recently discovered in the Iheya Small Ridge (Noho site: as reported in the JOGMEC news release on December 4, 2014) using LWD and geothermal tools. The purpose of this study in 2016 are to establish the origin and development model of deep water hydrothermal deposit, and to examine continuity of reservoir and mineral deposits in this area. The project was a part of “Scientific Research on Genesis of Marine Resources” for “Next-generation Technology for Ocean Resources Exploration,” of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP). LWD was conducted at 3 sites in Iheya-North Knoll and at 4 site in Noho. The gamma ray, various resistivities, and high resolution resistivity borehole image allows us to understand the futures of hydrothermal sediments. Real-time annular pressure and temperature allow us to analyze dynamic thermal formation fluid flow. The cores were acquired and quick measurement and analysis were carried out by onboard scientists. Monitoring devices were successfully installed at active hydrothermal field in Iheya and Noho to record temperature, pressure and flow rate of the hot fluid, and to observe its process of deposits.
  • Sanfilippo Alessio, Morishita Tomoaki, Kumagai Hidenori, Nakamura Kentaro, Okino Kyoko, Hara Kaori, Tamura Akihiro, Arai Shoji
    LITHOS 232 124-130 2015年9月1日  査読有り
  • K. Sato, H. Kumagai, N. Iwata, S. Takano, K. Suzuki
    Golschimidt 2015 conference 2772-2772 2015年  
  • Tomoaki Morishita, Kentaro Nakamura, Takazo Shibuya, Hidenori Kumagai, Taichi Sato, Kyoko Okino, Rie Nauchi, Kaori Hara, Ryo Takamaru
    Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Global Hydrothermal Systems; TAIGA Concept (Springer Japan, Tokyo) >177-193-193 2015年1月  査読有り
  • Kentaro Nakamura, Hidenori Kumagai, Ryoko Senda, Tomoaki Morishita, Akihiro Tamura, Shoji Arai
    Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Global Hydrothermal Systems; TAIGA Concept (Springer Japan, Tokyo) >163-175-175 2015年1月  査読有り
  • Yoshinori Sanada, Saneatsu Saito, Yohhei Hamada, Moe Kyaw Thu, Yukari Kido, Ken Takai, Hidenori Kumagai, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Masanori Kyo, Tomokazu Saruhashi, Shim Yen Han, Takashi Monden, Mark Davis, David Munoz
    21st Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan 2015 2015年  査読有り
    © 2015 JFES. All rights reserved. The CK14-04/Expedition 907 was conducted at the active hydrothermal field on the Iheya-North Knoll at Okinawa trough Japan by D/V Chikyu in July 2014. High temperature hydrothermal fluid flow exceeding 300degC was expected at the active hydrothermal deposits from the previous surveys. To achieve successful survey and to protect LWD tools, 1) pre-survey dynamic temperature modeling was carried out, 2) continuous circulation system "Non Stop Driller", which makes constant drilling fluid circulation even during pipe connection, was used, 3) LWD tools were upgraded up to 175degC, was used, and 4) real-time annular temperature and pressure were monitored. Flow rate was carefully controlled with the Non Stop Driller System after the pre-survey temperature modeling. The six wells were drilled with LWD successfully. The water depths are 886m to 1132m. High quality natural gamma-ray and resistivity, annular temperature and annular pressure mounted on arcVISION and TeleScope throw a light to active hydrothermal deposits first ever. The maximum annular temperate anomaly at 84degC was observed. The combination of natural gamma-ray and resistivity logs, and time series of annular temperature and pressure allows us innovative interpretation for deep water hydrothermal deposits. These results suggest that a LWD survey can be a new method for investigating sea-floor hydrothermal deposits.
  • Kumagai H, Watanabe H, Yahagi T, Kojima S, Nakai S, Toyoda S, Ishibashi J.-I
    Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept 49-59 2015年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Toyoda S, Banerjee D, Kumagai H, Miyazaki J, Ishibashi J.-I, Mochizuki N, Kojima S
    Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept 603-606 2015年  査読有り
  • Ikegami F, Tsuji T, Kumagai H, Ishibashi J.-I, Takai K
    Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept 361-368 2015年  査読有り
  • Ishibashi J.-I, Shimada K, Sato F, Uchida A, Toyoda S, Takamasa A, Nakai S, Hyodo H, Sato K, Kumagai H, Ikehata K
    Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept 289-300 2015年  査読有り
  • Nakamura Kentaro, Kawagucci Shinsuke, Kitada Kazuya, Kumagai Hidenori, Takai Ken, Okino Kyoko
    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 49(6) 579-596 2015年  査読有り
  • 青木 一勝, B.F. Windley, 佐藤 佳子, 澤木 佑介, 川井 隆宏, 渋谷 岳造, 熊谷 英憲, 鈴木 勝彦, 丸山 茂徳
    地質学雑誌 119(6) 437-442 2013年6月  査読有り
  • Kumagai H, Adrovic F, Iwase R, Kinoshita M, Machiyama H, Hattori M, Okano M, InTech
    2012年3月  筆頭著者
    Kumagai, H, Adrovic, F, Iwase, R, Kinoshita, M, Machiyama, H, Hattori, M &amp; Okano, M, 2012, , InTech.
  • Tsuji Takeshi, Takai Ken, Oiwane Hisashi, Nakamura Yasuyuki, Masaki Yuka, Kumagai Hidenori, Kinoshita Masataka, Yamamoto Fujio, Okano Tadashi, Kuramoto Shin'ichi
  • Kagoshima Takanori, Takahata Naoto, Jung Jinyoung, Amakawa Hiroshi, Kumagai Hidenori, Sano Yuji
    GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 46(6) E21-E26 2012年  査読有り
  • 佐藤佳子, 熊谷英憲, 兵藤博信
    フィッション・トラックニュースレター (24) 1-8-8 2011年10月30日  
  • Morishita Tomoaki, Tani Kenichiro, Shukuno Hiroshi, Harigane Yumiko, Tamura Akihiro, Kumagai Hidenori, Hellebrand Eric
    GEOLOGY 39(4) 411-414 2011年4月  査読有り
  • Kumagai H, Tsukioka S, Yamamoto H, Tsuji T, Shitashima K, Asada M, Yamamoto F, am, Kinoshita M
    GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS 11(12.) 2010年12月30日  査読有り
    Kumagai, H, Tsukioka, S, Yamamoto, H, Tsuji, T, Shitashima, K, Asada, M, Yamamoto, F &amp;amp; Kinoshita, M, 2010, &#039;Hydrothermal plumes imaged by high-resolution side-scan sonar on a cruising AUV,Urashima&#039;, vol. 11, no. 12.
  • 石橋 純一郎, 中井 俊一, 豊田 新, 熊谷 英憲, 野口 拓郎, 石塚 治
    地學雜誌 118(6) 1186-1204 2009年12月25日  
    &amp;emsp;As our understanding of seafloor hydrothermal systems grows, we recognize they are not always stable and sometimes show dramatic changes. In this review, the authors present a compilation of geochemical and geochronological studies that are helpful when investigating the evolving processes of submarine hydrothermal systems.&lt;br&gt;&amp;emsp;Chapter II describes the systematics and methodology of three dating techniques with discussions on their application to minerals formed by seafloor hydrothermal activities. The K-Ar (Ar-Ar) technique is popular for dating igneous rocks, but it is not appropriate for dating hydrothermal minerals because potassium is a trace component of sulfide/sulfate minerals. Following recent progress, micro-analytical techniques applying laser fusion are applicable for dating fluid inclusions and/or hydrothermal alteration minerals, which could provide important geochronological information. Uranium and thorium series disequilibrium dating have been employed for previous geochronological studies of hydrothermal minerals obtained from submarine ore deposits. To cover a wide time range, it is necessary to use various combinations of parent and daughter nuclides. Applying ESR dating to hydrothermal minerals is a rather new challenge. Although it needs several investigations to establish the methodology, it could be a useful rapid dating technique for a time range of less than one thousand years.&lt;br&gt;&amp;emsp;Chapter III introduces studies focusing on the evolution of seafloor hydrothermal activities over a short time scale (one week to a few years). Detection of event plumes associated with seafloor lava eruption brought an awareness of episodic hydrothermal activity triggered by magmatic perturbation. Subsequent dive studies revealed evolving geochemical processes, such as major changes of volatiles and elemental species concentrations of venting fluid. With remote real-time monitoring of acoustic T-waves generated by seafloor seismic activities, event detection and response cruises have been conducted successfully to investigate various evolving processes in more detail.&lt;br&gt;&amp;emsp;Chapter IV introduces studies focusing on the evolution of seafloor hydrothermal activities over a long time scale (tens of thousands of years). Radiometric dating studies of hydrothermal minerals such as sulfide and manganese oxide collected from the TAG mound, which is one of the largest hydrothermal mound structures, reveal an age distribution over at least 15000 years separated by quiescent intervals lasting up to 2000 years. On slow spreading ridges such as the Mid-Atlantic ridge, major fracture systems focus the hydrothermal discharge at one place for more than one thousand years with repeated reactivation.&lt;br&gt;&amp;emsp;In Chapter V, the authors discuss the direction of future studies. Although hydrothermal systems on mid-oceanic ridges have been well studied, those related to arc-backarc magmatic activities could provide more appropriate fields for studying the evolutionary process of submarine hydrothermal systems. Combining geochronological studies with geochemical and mineralogical studies would be important for reconstructing the evolution process in more detail.
  • Sato Keiko, Hirose Takehiro, Tamura Hajimu, Kumagai Hidenori, Mizoguchi Kazuo
    JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development 2009(Special Issue) 51-57 2009年11月  
    Frictional melting experiments were performed on fine grain homogeneous gabbroid with high temperatures induced by frictional heating using a high-velocity apparatus. We examined whether rapid fault movement can equilibrate fault rock gas with atmospheric components by measuring volatile gas and noble gas isotopes from a gabbroid sample using a quadrupole mass spectrometer to detect released gas from the simulated fault rock.The anticipated rapid equilibration of volatiles during the frictional melting of rocks implies that the noble gas and volatile were released and mixed with the atmosphere during this experiment. Gases released from the sample were collected in a small aluminum tube in nitrogen atmosphere before and after the frictional melting experiment. The gas comprised carbon dioxide, water vapor, hydrogen, helium, and other noble gases. The He/Ar ratio and H2 concentration are higher than the pre-analysis of N2 atmosphere. This release of volatiles is consistent with the pseudotachylyte-like post experimental texture of specimen. It is also consistent with the co-seismic geochemical anomaly observed along a natural fault system.











