国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies 53(18) 49-69 2022年3月18日
前近代の日本において、最も都市が発達したのは江戸時代であり、人々は大規模な火災を頻繁に体験した時代だった。 従来の研究は、火災の頻度と、防火設備や消防の体制を検討してきた。たとえば、政治的な中心都市で、最大の城下町であった江戸については、火災の頻度が非常に高い「火災都市」と名付け、とくに防災政策と町人の消防組織を検討している。しかし、都市住民については、被災することに馴れており、「宵越しの金は持たない」ことなどが美徳とされたというイメージが定着している。 そこで、本稿では、江戸時代に刊行された消防に関する教訓書・マニュアル〈消防教訓書〉に注目し、当時の都市民の消防意識を検討した。まず〈消防教訓書〉の概要をみる。その上で、江戸で刊行された『鎮火用心集』(享保16年〈1731〉初板)を検討し、中心を占めるのは火災の予防と出火後の待避であったことを明らかにした。読者の関心は自身の家財と生命をいかに守るか、という点にあったのである。 さらに、曲亭馬琴の火事体験の叙述を検討し、自身を含む家族の生命と家財の保全にかかわる記載がほとんどであることが確認できた。 支配側からの指導やインフラ整備ではなく、こうした民衆知の蓄積を通して、火災による被災に対応できていたことが、日本の江戸時代の都市住民の達成だと評価したい。 In Edo period saw the development of cities and also numerous city fires. However, while we knowrelatively well about the shogunate’s firefighting measures and also urban firefighting organizations whichdeveloped rapidly in this period, historians have paid little attention to how ordinary urban citizens dealtwith fires. And historians have argued only that Edo citizens (commonly called Edokko) had the habit of notkeeping many household belongings because they were very used to being affected by fires. However, suchcharacterization of Edokko was based on fictional characters in novels to be used to idealize the Edo period.Therefore it requires serious reconsideration.The firefighting textbooks demonstrated that what was most important for Edo citizens was toprotect their lives and household belongings. Furthermore, it was confirmed that most of the descriptionsof Kyokutei Bakin's fire experience were related to the protect his and his famiiys their lives and householdbelongings.Thus, if Edo citizens should get credit for accumulating firefighting knowledge, and achieving a formof ‘self-protection’, they were also displaying much more selfishness than what the idealized vision of Edokkohas suggested so far.
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 222 101-123 2020年11月30日
Due to limitations in terms of historical documents and interest in research of the history of commerce, research on Edo merchants has for a long time been limited to analysis of the Edo branch stores of foreign merchants whose headquarters were in Kyoto, and especially of only certain types of stores, such as those dealing in drapery. In recent years, there has been a growing number of studies on Edo-based merchants, but examinations of their spiritual beliefs have been lacking. This paper looks at the large-scale merchant Minoya Katō family, who worked with pawned and second-hand goods in order to examine the beliefs of large-scale Edo-based merchants.Since Pure Land Buddhism was the basis for the Katō family’s faith, it’s goal was to accumulate intoku (secret acts of good) and journey to the Pure Land. Therefore, it performed services for his family’s ancestors, gave aid to others, and organized various Kō (religious association), in addition to making donations as a family organization (merchare Dōzoku). Avoiding celebrity and secretly doing good(Intoku) are line with Sekimon-Shingaku’s belief on which many merchants based their faith.Particular objects of it’s faith included Kai Zenkō-ji and it’s bodaiji (a Japanese Buddhist temple for a family’s dead), named Tessō-in. Regarding Kai Zenkō-ji, it donated large sums of money for its restoration after fires that occurred 1754, and it continued these donations afterwards through Edo ryoshuku (house of worship). Regarding the bōdaiji, it not only held services for it’s ancestors there but in the end also built an Edo ryoshuku at Kai Zenkōji. It’s donations even went as far as influential Pure Land temples like Shinshū Zenkō-ji, Takada Zendō-ji, and Honjo Reizan-ji, which was one of the important 18 Pure Land temples of Kantō recognized by the shogunate. It did not limit itself to only Pure Land temples; it’s faith extended to temples in other sects as well as Shinto shrines, leading it to hold services for it’s ancestors at Mount Koya and to make donations to Asakusa Kannon (Sensō-ji) and Seiryō-ji.Due to this faith, the Katō family relied on revelatory dreams and messages not from the Buddha only for familial rites of passage but also for standards of judgment in business. Though it is impossible to know what it truly believed, at the very least, these methods were accepted and played an important role. Furthermore, visits to various temples and participation in public exhibitions of religious objects ー that is, events outside the scope of daily life- did not change it’s level of faith. It’s participation in them was the result of messages from the Buddha, which formed part of the Katō family’s faith.Faith among Edo merchants has been addressed in behavioral culture studies about temple visits with elements of tourism, and participation in religious festivals. However, these should be examined as part of a bigger picture that includes faith practices in everyday life.