Curriculum Vitaes

Mika Koshizuka

  (越塚 美加)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Studies Gakushuin Women's College, Department of Japanese Studies, Gakushuin Women's College
MA(Keio University)

researchmap Member ID

Committee Memberships





  • M Koshizuka
    LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 43(43) 33-34, 2000  
  • Nozue Toshihiko, Koshizuka Mika
    Research bulletin of the National Center for Science Information System, 11 207-216, Mar, 1999  
    New information services such as CD-ROMs, online databases and internet are becoming popular in the public libraries. 'Fee or free' problem and user support (user education) are two of many problems which have to be considered concerning to such services. In this article, a case study on four libraries in U.S. and Canada is reported.
  • Naito Eisuke, Koshizuka Mika, Inoue Hitoshi
    Research bulletin of the National Center for Science Information System, 10 1-8, Mar, 1998  
    Concepts and context are reviewed in the light of "digital literacy" to set the framework of the problems, tasks, and common interest. Government actions taken in Japan are reviewed in terms of providing access to digital knowledge, creating information literacy such as in schools, higher education, and life-long education, etc. Tasks, which have been found during the recent development in Japan, are explored for common interest to be shared with advanced as well as developing countries. Possibilities shall be discussed for the future international cooperation.
  • Nozue Toshihiko, Koshizuka Mika
    Research bulletin of the National Center for Science Information System, 10 9-22, Mar, 1998  
    Studies and surveys on "information use" are getting more important in the information society. Information Use Research Section was established at R&D Department, National Center for Science Information Systems in April 1997. This article discusses studies on information use behavior and information use education in the library and information science from the viewpoint of "Information Use Studies."
  • 内藤 衛亮, 越塚 美加, 井上 如
    学術情報センター紀要, (10) 1-8, Mar, 1998  
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 97(40) 39-44, May 15, 1997  
    The purpose of this paper is to consider how the electronic resources can change the studies of literature based on the information seeking behavior of scholars in German literature. They set high value on Arts & Humanities Index database that is a citation index database although they did low value on bibliographic databases. Because it is necessary for them to browse those materials directly, and the visual information like binding of books is one of the criterion to tell if they are useful for their studies or not. Full text databases and/or electronic texts provide new opportunities for...
  • Koshizuka Mika
    Research bulletin of the National Center for Science Information System, 9 91-102, Mar, 1997  
    There are a few research work on information seeking and/or information organization in offices. This article discusses information seeking behavior and personal file organizations in offices. Spatial information, colors, forms of materials and usage time provide useful index to recall their contents and find a certain intended materials.
  • Koshizuka Mika
    Research bulletin of the National Center for Science Information System, 8 131-142, Mar 29, 1996  
    "Browsing" is an important activity to many researchers in humanities. It is generally differentiated from "searching." The differences between them are resulted from the level of three types of knowledge: content of information that researchers want to know, search path to reach useful information, and location to get it. One of the remarkable feature of browsing is "serendipity", that is a kind of ability to stumble upon relevant items. Browsing with serendipity plays an essential role on research not only as a means of getting information, but also of locating them into space of a resear...
  • Sugimoto Masanori, Katayama Norio, Koshizuka Mika, Kando Noriko, Takasu Atsuhiro, Adachi Jun
    Research bulletin of the National Center for Science Information System, 8 221-231, Mar 29, 1996  
    This paper gives an overview of digital libray researches. First we make their features clear by describing (1) what kind of data are stored, (2) what kind of search methods are realized, and (3) what kind of browsing methods can be used. Then, we describe mqjor digital libraries which have been developed in the United States, Japan and European countries. Finally, we discuss some problems and future works on digital libraries.
  • Ueda Shuich, Kando Noriko, Koshizuka Mika
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 95(113) 55-60, Nov 25, 1995  
    The visual images has occupied a important role in humanities research. This paper surveys cognitive frameworks of visual images in the context of indexing them by two experiments of assigning indexing terms to images. Results of the indexing experiment by using 85 visual images reveal that the indexing method of images require the standard indexing procedure based on cognitive view in order to increase the number of assigned indexing terms and to reduce inconsistency between indexers. An cognitive framework model are presented by results of the another indexing experiment.
  • Kando Noriko, Kimura Masaru, Shizuta Yoshiyasu, Oyama Keizo, Koshizuka Mika, Koyama Teruo
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 95(87) 57-64, Sep 14, 1995  
    This paper describes enhancement of the search functions in NACSIS-IR, the online information retrieval service of NACSIS, National Center for Science Information Systems. The system adopts an advanced text retrieval system as a search engine. Features of the enhanced search functions are as follows ; the advanced proximately operation and search using the term frequency, 3-level-structured database, sophisticated display function, the thesaurus databases with flexible structure, the search expantion using the thesaurus databases, enhancement of the user and functions, the standadization of...
  • Turock Betty J, 越塚 美加
    現代の図書館, 33(1) p77-81, Mar, 1995  
  • 越塚 美加
    情報の科学と技術, 45(3) 97-97, Mar 1, 1995  
  • Koshizuka Mika
    The journal of Information Science and Technology Association, 44(5) 260-265, May 1, 1994  
  • 越塚 美加
    図書館学会年報, 39(1) p1-12, Mar, 1993  
  • 池谷 のぞみ, 神門 典子, 越塚 美加
    書誌索引展望, 16(3) p15-28, Aug, 1992  

Books and Other Publications
